
イベント おしらせ 2019/7/22




“Building a Better World Through Business
–Challenges in Humanitarian Assistance in Africa and the Role of Private Sector”


English follows Japanese.















The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence.. Expanding and pervasive humanitarian needs have increasingly led the ICRC to develop partnerships with private sector actors that have produced innovative, scalable, and sustainable responses to the challenges facing humanitarians in both armed conflict and other humanitarian emergencies across Africa.


Facing both ever-increasing needs and an increasingly tight funding markets, the ICRC and its private sector partners have developed innovative approaches for the delivery of basic humanitarian necessities, such as the establishment of a microgrid to deliver reliable power from renewable energy sources, and the creation of new humanitarian products, such as the development of affordable advanced prosthetics. These links are contributing to the global discussions on the development of new models for efficient and sustainable humanitarian funding, that go beyond grants and philanthropy while eliciting principled donorship and ensuring impact-driven investments.


Changing needs of humanitarian assistance, on the other hand, has motivated Waseda University to undertake a new role in global society. So far Waseda has always been a pivotal source of innovative ideas and imaginations that led social actors to create new products, market mechanisms and social systems. Current research activities in Waseda cover a broad area ranging from innovative technologies including robotics and smart-grid to new financial services. Moreover, Waseda has been fostering many entrepreneurs who contributed to creating new businesses. At the same time, it is the feature of Waseda that so many graduates have been and currently are involved in the activities of humanitarian assistance as members of the UN agencies and NGOs. In the light of its accumulated expertise as well as its cultivated spirit of humanism, now is the time for Waseda to launch a strategy to consolidate such various resources into one direction of humanitarian goal and become a core hub connecting humanitarian organizations like the ICRC and private sector actors like corporations.


Above-mentioned concordant new strategies of the ICRC and Waseda University brought them to concluding the Memorandum of Understanding in November 2018, in which both institutions agreed to work together for collaborative projects/programme including the development of innovative technologies for humanitarian assistance. In marking a start of their collaboration, taking the opportunity of TICAD VII, this seminar will discuss the latest humanitarian needs and challenges affected by conflict and exchange views on the expected roles and responsibilities of the Japanese private sector and academic institutions in this field.


※Language: English and Japanese (simultaneous translation)
※Networking reception will be held after the public seminar at Waseda University Nihonbashi Campus



Prior registration is necessary from the Waseda University website.
Registration Form
※Free seminar





Shuichi Furuya, Professor, Waseda University




赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)総裁/ President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

ペーター・マウラー/Peter Maurer

早稲田大学総長/President, Waseda University

田中 愛治/Aiji Tanaka

(公益社団法人)経済同友会 前副代表幹事/ Former Vice Chair, Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives)

小林 いずみ / Izumi Kobayashi

アフリカ開発銀行副総裁/ Vice-President, Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery, African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

カレド・シェリフ/Khaled Sherif




Prior registration is necessary from the Waseda University website.
Registration Form
※Free seminar
※The first 150 registration will be accepted